Telephone: (334) 474-3600
Fax (334) 474-3100
13096 County Road 14
Union Springs, AL 36089
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Master Rack Lodge is Alabama's top producing whitetail deer hunting lodge for over 35 years. Whitetail deer hunting is our main priority. We manage over 8,000 acres year around to grow healthy Alabama whitetail bucks feeding over 80 tons of specialized feed to produce a healthy herd. You are a big part of our management program and we look forward to having you as a part of our Master Rack Family.
Our guides will go to great lengths to accommodate you during your Alabama whitetail experience. Service, Service, Service, that's the Master Rack way. From experienced trophy hunters to family hunts searching for that first whitetail buck, we got your Alabama deer hunt covered.
Fair chase, 200+ tree stands (boxes and ladders),130+ food plots and tons of various views from the stand. We offer comfortable private lodging to round out that perfect Alabama deer hunting experience. And of course, you will eat some pretty awesome southern cooking. Come let us work hard to match you to your Alabama whitetail buck.
Alabama's #1 Hunting Lodge